Statistics for: [DIE]Incognito[PF]
- -1 +
ALL nicknames ( 21 )
Date Name
2010-08-25 23:08:27 5233 days ago Incog_Nito
2011-03-22 01:11:01 5024 days ago [DIE]Incog_Nito
2011-06-07 10:32:31 4947 days ago [DIE]Incognito
2012-02-07 01:22:01 4702 days ago [DIE]Incognito[PF]
2012-02-13 02:43:01 4696 days ago [DIE]Incognito[]
2012-04-10 19:11:24 4639 days ago _Farmer_
2013-03-13 16:44:43 4302 days ago Hurp_Durpington
2013-03-13 17:45:10 4302 days ago Herp_Derpington
2013-03-14 01:49:57 4301 days ago 4nik8
2013-03-14 08:28:47 4301 days ago Czarcasm
2013-04-04 09:54:56 4280 days ago GRAVEDlGGER
2013-04-04 14:59:58 4280 days ago ..cEciL..
2013-04-06 12:20:57 4278 days ago PuckerFactor
2013-04-21 19:55:05 4263 days ago [DIE]BullHead[PF]
2013-10-10 06:29:39 4091 days ago BloodThirsty
2013-11-27 18:26:39 4043 days ago [DIE]ShitStorm[PF]
2013-12-11 16:26:22 4029 days ago FLiP
2013-12-16 00:53:35 4024 days ago [DIE]FLiP[PF]
2014-11-19 01:55:55 3686 days ago cheezeburger
2015-03-13 08:45:23 3572 days ago [DiE]iNc0gNiTo[PF]
2015-05-04 23:38:17 3520 days ago inco[PF]

Nickname is registered, account id: 123256
Kills:67507, Kills from a vehicle: 23774.
Bounty hunting:Player has collected $23532625 in bounty rewards.
Player's last recorded ping:75 ms.
Player's last recorded FPS count:26 FPS.
Last used team:Da Nang
Using translation:English
Time spent playing:944 days, 7 hours, 28 minutes. (Only recorded after August 22 2010).
Donator:YES, player donated money to keep PartyServer online.
Donator 2.0:YES, player has a active donator 2.0 subscription.
Duels Won:73
Duels Lost:123
Player is not accepting any duels.
Turf wars started:13059
Turf wars won:11572
Turf wars lost:46888
Account created 2010-08-25 23:08:27
Last seen: 2015-07-13 16:23:35 3450 days ago
[DIE]Incognito[PF] is a EX-staff member.
Promoted to status on: 2015-05-11 02:45:03
Last status change byRedShirt on 2015-07-13 01:30:42 (3450 days ago.)

Game sessions (last 20 joins)
Start End Nickname used - Connection origin
2015-07-13 16:23:10 2015-07-13 16:23:35 (00:00:25) 4nik8 /Quit UNITED STATES
2015-07-13 16:20:55 2015-07-13 16:23:10 (00:02:15) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Nick change UNITED STATES
2015-07-13 04:30:19 2015-07-13 04:32:58 (00:02:39) [DIE]Incognito[PF] /Quit UNITED STATES
2015-06-25 07:23:14 2015-06-26 10:23:08 (26:59:54) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Timeout UNITED STATES
2015-06-24 06:19:26 2015-06-25 05:48:25 (23:28:59) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Server Restart UNITED STATES
2015-06-24 06:18:33 2015-06-24 06:18:50 (00:00:17) [DIE]Incognito[PF] /Quit UNITED STATES
2015-06-22 13:13:05 2015-06-24 02:42:46 (37:29:41) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Server Restart UNITED STATES
2015-06-22 13:11:17 2015-06-22 13:13:05 (00:01:48) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Nick change UNITED STATES
2015-06-20 08:29:33 2015-06-20 14:42:55 (06:13:22) [DIE]Incognito[PF] /Quit UNITED STATES
2015-06-20 08:25:18 2015-06-20 08:28:28 (00:03:10) [DIE]Incognito[PF] /Quit UNITED STATES
2015-06-20 08:23:27 2015-06-20 08:24:47 (00:01:20) [DIE]Incognito[PF] /Quit UNITED STATES
2015-06-18 08:13:35 2015-06-20 02:42:54 (42:29:19) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Timeout UNITED STATES
2015-06-18 02:44:50 2015-06-18 08:13:35 (05:28:45) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Nick change UNITED STATES
2015-06-17 13:23:08 2015-06-17 13:30:26 (00:07:18) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Timeout UNITED STATES
2015-06-17 12:48:37 2015-06-17 13:21:39 (00:33:02) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Timeout UNITED STATES
2015-06-15 06:15:46 2015-06-17 12:48:37 (54:32:51) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Nick change UNITED STATES
2015-06-15 00:15:49 2015-06-15 06:14:09 (05:58:20) [DIE]Incognito[PF] /Quit UNITED STATES
2015-06-14 16:24:13 2015-06-14 16:38:59 (00:14:46) [DIE]Incognito[PF] /Quit UNITED STATES
2015-06-14 14:32:22 2015-06-14 16:22:05 (01:49:43) [DIE]Incognito[PF] /Quit UNITED STATES
2015-06-14 14:31:28 2015-06-14 14:31:51 (00:00:23) [DIE]Incognito[PF] Timeout UNITED STATES

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Kick+Ban history
Time Admin Action Nickname Reason Status
2010-10-20 20:31:05 [spEc]Edgecution Kicked Incog_Nito I warned you like 10 times, don't doorcamp with the fuckin seasparrow
2010-11-09 10:27:40 [SAK]Ra1d3r_ Kicked Incog_Nito orly u want to be admin and u pausin on low hp U SUK
2010-12-06 15:20:32 [DKV]JUAND Kicked Incog_Nito SPAWNKILL! Again?
2010-12-09 22:44:05 [spEc]Pacer Kicked Incog_Nito pausing to avoid death. dude you know better
2011-01-17 17:44:56 PromKing Kicked Incog_Nito thought i told u long ago to not pause while waiting for sparrow. last warning
2012-01-22 14:47:24 Anti-Kaze Kicked [DIE]Incognito Do not kamikaze on spawn points.
2012-02-23 05:37:38 Anti-Kaze Kicked [DIE]Incognito[PF] Do not kamikaze on spawn points.
2012-08-24 13:31:51 [VCA]Silent Kicked [DIE]Incognito[PF] just use report. once. not public chat
2012-11-10 01:19:43 [VCA]Silent Kicked [DIE]Incognito[PF] moanign as usual
2013-08-29 13:43:43 [VCA]Silent Kicked [DIE]Incognito[PF] evading death
2013-10-01 15:53:48 Nimda_Het Kicked [DIE]Incognito[PF] pause to avoid kami
2015-05-17 18:26:27 [DIE]Incognito[PF] Kicked [DIE]Incognito[PF] go make your kid some dinner ffs (STUPID)