Nickname is registered, account id: 11969
OLD account number: 18444
Kills: | 5826, Kills from a vehicle: 20. |
Deaths: | 4983 |
Ratio: | 1.17 |
Money: | $21681528 |
Player's last recorded ping: | 89 ms. |
Player's last recorded FPS count: | 52 FPS. |
Last used team: | Mechanic |
Using translation: | English |
Time spent playing: | 0 days, 11 hours, 0 minutes. (Only recorded after August 22 2010). |
Donator: | YES, player donated money to keep PartyServer online. |
Duels Won: | 60 |
Duels Lost: | 23 |
Turf wars started: | 3 |
Turf wars won: | 1 |
Turf wars lost: | 3 |
Account created | No data (probably very old) |
Last seen: | 2011-10-23 03:20:09 4817 days ago |
is a EX-staff member.
Promoted to status on: | 2009-09-26 11:19:19 |
Last status change by | Matite on 2009-09-26 11:19:19 (5574 days ago.) |