Statistics for: yahya.smayk
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ALL nicknames ( 1 shown of total, hidden. )
Date Name
- yahya.smayk

Deaths:Never died
First joined 2024-08-26 03:14:37
Last seen: 2024-08-26 03:14:37

Game sessions (last 20 joins)
Start End Nickname used - Connection origin
2024-08-26 03:14:37 2024-08-26 03:59:41 (00:45:04) yahya.smayk /Quit MOROCCO

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Last Kills & Deaths (last 30 deaths and last 30 kills during past 7 days)
2024-08-26 03:49:55 EminemD12 (Farmer) Country Rifle yahya.smayk (Swat) 56
2024-08-26 03:28:14 yahya.smayk (Swat) Desert Eagle agent_TALL (Rich) 100
2024-08-26 03:27:55 yahya.smayk (Swat) Shotgun agent_TALL (Rich) 100
2024-08-26 03:27:31 yahya.smayk (Swat) Desert Eagle agent_TALL (Rich) 100
2024-08-26 03:27:14 yahya.smayk (Swat) M4 agent_TALL (Rich) 100
2024-08-26 03:24:32 wewe (Pimp) Desert Eagle yahya.smayk (Swat) 65
2024-08-26 03:21:52 wewe (Pimp) Sawn-off Shotgun yahya.smayk (Valet) 93